

時(shí)間:2021-10-11 18:33:07 申請(qǐng)書(shū) 我要投稿




  Dear xx,

  Basic research has played a key role in the evolutionary process of thehuman race since the dawn of history. Though it may not produce temporary profitsometime, it does bring about profound influence to our life in the long term.Obsessed in the beauty of Nature sine my childhood, I decided to devote all myenergy to explore the secrets of Nature . When I was a high school student, Iborrowed the book "Atoms in the Family " written by Laura Fermi. I was deeplymoved by the research life of Enrico Fermi and his friends. They actively workedtogether with common interests, hitting on significant discoveries throughmutual suggestion and stimulation. How I wish I could experience suchcooperative and original life someday.

  I have devoted most of my time to learn Physics, Mathematics and Biology,cultivated my intuition and imagination. Some problems were every difficult tosolve, they always haunted in my mind for days, but when after unremittingthought, finally the inspiration flashed up. I felt that was one of the mostexciting and joyful moment of life thought, finally the inspiration flashed up,I felt that was one of the most exciting and joyful moment of life .

  My grades in the courses of Physics and Mathematics are the best in myclass To facilitate further study in Physics I selected the courses "AppliedModern Algebra" focusing on the theory of group, ring, field and "The Principleof Real Analysis " concerning the Lebesgue Measure and Calculus. In the courseof Lab of Modern Physics, I did many interesting experiments such as Laser RamanSpectroscopy, X-ray diffraction studies, Mossbauer effect, Optical pumpingmagnetic resonance. Besides, through research work after class. I learned whathad not been taught before, e.g. how to model the real world, how to apply thetheory to practice and got more understanding about the projects.

  As a student major in Optoelectronics at the Department of ElectronicEngineering, I am also versed in Electronics, Computer Science, CommunicationSystem and Laser Technology through firm and a large quantity of practicaltraining. For example, I have made the computer simulations of electroniccircuits, programmed optimum algorithm for rapid search, designed and compositeda simple CPU project, In our Lab of Lasers and Optoelectronics, I completed manyexperiments about tunable dye lasers, static properties of solid lasers andQ-switched dyes, second harmonic lasers, holography and optical modulators.These are all useful means for basic research.

  Your graduate school has the marvelous academic environment and the highquality of Ph. D. Education I have expected. I hope I could join you to learn tobe an independent researcher with broad base of natural sciences. I also hope tocombine the Chinese Ancient Philosophy with Modern Science in the United States.Upon completion of the study, I shall return to my motherland and further myresearch to do more contribution for the common benefit of society. I shallreturn to my motherland graduate status endowed by Tsinghua University, so if Ican not get your admission. I have to study by myself while making a living.

  The unforgettable song often sounds in my mind. "Climb every mountain, fordevery stream, follow every rainbow till you " till you find your dream. A dreamthat will need all the love you can give, every day of your life for as long asyou live. I am sure that someday my dream of research life will come true.

  Yours sincerely,










